Onkozert —

Board of the Certification System

The German Cancer Society (DKG) is the carrier of the certification system. Professional societies and the DKG provide the politics and directions for further development of the certification system. They are also responsible for the supervision of this system.



Legislative – The Certification Commission

The certification commission is the political organ of the certification system and is therefore entitled to define the requirements for certification. This includes in particular the design of the requirements (Certification Criteria) and their further development.

Members of the Certification Commission are the representatives of professional associations involved in the interdisciplinary care and social stakeholders such as Self-help groups. The management of the Certification Commission takes place in the office of the German Cancer Society.

Executive – OnkoZert and Auditors

The management of the certification process and thus the executive administration of the certification system is carried out by the independent certification institute OnkoZert. The experience from the certification procedures are prepared by OnkoZert and made available for the Certification Commission for further development of the certification system.


The certification of the Oncology Centres and Organs Cancer Centres is carried out by professional experts (auditors). These auditors must undergo a qualification procedure on several levels, and at the end of their successful development they are called auditors by the German Cancer Society. The qualification procedure as a professional expert requires, among others, the participation to an auditor course with final qualification testing, proof of certain admission requirements as well as the successful participation in an internship.

Judiciary – Certificate Awarding Committee

The Certificate Award Committee is a body independent of the audit implementation, which verifies every certification procedure for correct implementation, based on the audit documents provided by the auditors.

The issuance of a certificate requires the approval of the Certificate Awarding Committee.